"Photographed photographers", an exhibition at Rétine - Argentique
Rétine-Argentique - 85 rue d'Italie 13006 Marseille, Métro Castellane
Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00-12:30 / 14:30-18:30
Friday: 10:00-12:30 / 14:30-16:00
Opening on Thursday, February 27 from 7:00 p.m.
Photographed photographers, is a journey that is both fun and sociological, built from the 1980s to today, with pleasure and even malice. Traveling the world, from Marseille to Beijing, from Luxor to Bombay, from New York to Rio… I had fun immortalizing my peers photographing each others. A game requiring flair to spot the action in preparation, discretion so as not to disturb its implementation, search for the right angle and speed so as not to miss the “decisive moment”. I have probably never felt more in the shoes of the image hunter, but this time of a very particular hunt, transposing into the field of photography the figure of the watered waterer …
By observing the way people photograph each others, whether during their daily lives, travels or events in which they participate or attend, was it not a way of questioning myself about my own photographic practice? Reflexivity from which emanates a feeling of proximity with my subjects, in a mise en abyme that is never crual nor mocking, between the photographer of photographers and the photographed photographer.
Most of these photos show both the photographer and his subject, the time and the instant of the trigger. However, some leave the mystery hovering over the subject. Others capture the moment before, when the photographer worries about his framing or the dust on his lens, or the moment after when, satisfied, he relaxes his attention and his camera.
The limit of the exercise is that of the selfie, in which the person being photographed becomes a photographer, whether in an egotistical posture that abolishes the social relationship between the photographer and the person being photographed or conversely when the photographer integrates himself into his own subject, within the couple, the family, the group, substituting the self-timer or the remote control of traditional devices with the use of a pole or just the length of his arm...
Maupetit-Côté Galerie is celebrating her 10th anniversary
and I am proud to partitipate in this retrospective exhibition !
From November 28th 2024 to January 11th 2025
Heureux d'avoir été sélectionné pour cette exposition collective
aux côtés de photographes que je porte en haute estime !
Merci au Pangolin !
Merci à Edith Laplane, Michael Serfaty, William Guidarini, commissaires d'exposition
et à Arnaud Bizalion pour le Fanzine qui accompagnera l'exposition !
My Bikes in Arles during September and October !
In spite of the violent thunderstorms on Marseille its surroundings that have discouraged many of those we were waiting, the opening has been friendly and lively and the opportunity of beautiful meetings or reunion !
(Pictures from Aline Memmi)
A l'occasion de la sortie du livre Marseille, Hasards révélés,
vous pourrez découvrir certaines des photographies en plus grand format
Avec les images de BBY, Alexandre Biville, Angélique Boudet , Christian Bousquet , Rachele Cassetta, Marc Chostakoff, Mathieu Do Duc, Julie Fuchs, Françoise Gimenez, Philippe Houssin, Frédéric Laban, Michel Lamourdedieu, Michel Loye, Brigitte Manoukian, Agnès Mellon, Aline Memmi, Jean Paul Noguès, Claire Ordioni, Philippe Ordioni, Christian Ramade, Michaël Serfaty, Jean-Benoît Zimmermann.
13 janvier 2024 : Soirée de restitution de résidence au Pangolin à Marseille
Merci à Michael Serfaty et William Guidarini pour cette invitation
Lecture de portfolios pendant les Rencontres d'Arles à l'invitation de La Fontaine Obscure
Heureux de participer à cette belle exposition collective à Marseille !
Du 14 septembre 2022 au 12 mars 2023, Le Musée Regards de Provence présente l’exposition « Vues sur Mer » qui réunit 25 peintres, photographes, sculpteurs et vidéaste contemporains de la Région Sud, qui ont illustré la mer, les rivages, le littoral, les plages et des activités de bord de mer.
Ces artistes sont : Alfons Alt, Astrid B, Zakary Beauvois, Jean-Pierre Blanche, Julien Boullay, Éric Bourret, Benjamin Chasselon, Marc Chostakoff, Mathis Clamens, Adrian Doura, Anke Doberauer, Joséphine Vallé Franceschi, Philippe Ivanez, Yann Letestu, Jacques Lucchesi, Olivier Monge, Patrick Moquet, Philippe Ordioni, Bernard Plossu, Wilbe, Marie-Laure Sasso-Ladouce, Christian Ramade, Nicolas Rubinstein, Jean-Jacques Surian, Jean-Benoît Zimmermann.
In Paris !
A nice paper by Alain Paire in the newspaper La Marseillaise
(click on the image to get the paper on line)
Happy to anounce our coming exhibition of my series "Fragments"
The exhibition will be later in Paris from september 16th to october 2nd, Opening on september 15th et 6pm.
Quelques photos de l'expo !
Pour les visualiser en ligne, cliquez sur une image
Photographies de Aline Memmi, Jean-Benoît Zimmermann et Christian Ramade
I will sign my book "La Chine au tournant du siècle"
during the opening week of the Rencontres d'Arles,
on wedneday 7th of july from 4 to 5 pm
at Croisière with the temporary bookstore by Actes-Sud.
After the Nouvelle Chambre Claire, a collector version of the book, sold with a unique print of one of the photos of the book will be also available,
so as my other books of photography !
Latest news: the expo VÉLO reopened for a few days
Thanks to (progressive) deconfinement,
you can access the exhibition until May 27, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
(before dropping out on the 28th)
By respecting the regulatory distances and the barrier gestures of course!
Do not hesitate to pass the information on to those who could not see it in time or who would like to see it again.
The VÉLO virtual exhibition is now complete and will stay online!
You can find it as much as you like on the dedicated Flickr album "Vélo, l'expo !" , by clicking on the image below
(once on the album, click on an image to view it in a slideshow)
And of course you can find many more images and the texts that accompany them, in the book "Vélo ", available in bookstores and on the Photo#graphie website.
The VELO exhibition at Espace GT - Mundart is under confinement but I offer you a virtual visit and beautiful memories in photos:
To visit the expo, go to my Flickr site or my Instagram page where I will post a photo of the expo every day. If you yourself are registered on Flickr or on Instagram, I suggest you to follow me and if you are not, just go there regularly to discover the new bikes published. And, icing on the cake, I will also publish some texts that will accompany some of these photos.
And right now, I present you the photos of three events during the first days of the expo:
Click on an image to view as a slide show
The vernissage, on Wednesday march 4th
An opening which allowed visitors, spread out over the course of the evening, to visit the exhibition quietly.
Vélorution, on Friday march 6th :
Vélorution is an urban ride through Marseille, organized by several collectives and associations which campaign for the development of bicycle use in Marseille. This ride takes place every first Friday of the month at night with a departure from "la Girafe", at the top of the Canebière, a route and a destination each time different. It is a festive, joyful and often noisy ride that brings together cyclists, men and women of all ages, adults and children. On the occasion of the VELO exhibition, the destination of the route was the espace GT - Mundart place.
Apéro-Vélo at the Collectif Vélo en Ville, on Thursday march 12th :
Another festive and friendly initiative every second Thursday of the month, at the premises of the Collectif Vélo en Ville, rue Moustier. For this time, my bicycles have invited themselves through large format prints (made during the Bike Week at Science Po Paris a year ago).
A "poteaugraphie" by Christian Ramade on the occasion of the vernissage of the Vélo expo in Marseille!
"VELO" in March in Marseille !
After Paris (Mairie du 13ème in June 2018 and Sciences Po in March 2019), then La Roche-sur-Yon (May 2019), my photographic exhibition "VÉLO" will be presented in Marseille at Espace-GT Mundart, 72 rue de la Joliette, from March 4 to 27, Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday, Friday and certain Saturdays (see the calendar of events on Mundart's website) from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The vernissage of the exhibition will take place on Wednesday, March 4 from 6 p.m. I would be very happy to welcome you there.
But you can also come on another occasion until March 27. In addition, the GT space being contiguous to the Mundart restaurant, "a restaurant like no other", you can take advantage of your visit to have lunch there, have a drink or nibble on a board during a convivial aperitif or a musical evening. But you are not obliged to consume, a simple visit to the gallery is obviously possible during opening hours.
This exhibition is organized in partnership with the "Collectif Vélo en Ville" and it will be the arrival of the next "Velorution" hike organized by the CVVon the evening of March 6.
After the exhibition in Marseille, "La Chine au tournant du siècle" will be presented in Paris from January 21st
Some pictures of the vernissage ...
Thanks to the photographers : Josette Gautrand, Christian Ramade et Francis Rodary !
China at the turn of the century (1982-2018)
in Marseille at the Maupetit bookstore Gallery, 142 La Canebière, from November 21st to January 11th.
Part of these photos will be exhibited in Paris, at the Nouvelle Chambre Claire, 3 rue d'Arras, from January 21st to February 15th, 2020.
For people from Marseille and all those who will be able to pass in the city, I would be happy to meet you at the vernissage which will take place on thursday november 21st from 6.30 pm.
For the exhibition in Paris, you can already remember the date of Tuesday, January 21st for the opening.
Hope to see you there !
Ouest France - May 3d 2019
Pictures of the vernissage at Maison du Vélo : a nice place of exchange and sharing !
And the windowshops of the rue des Halles ...
"Vélo" at La Roche-sur-Yon
At the invitation of the Maison du Vélo, my photographs will be visible in La Roche-sur-Yon, from May 3rd to 17th,
for an exhibition-walk at the Maison du Vélo and in the shop windows of the rue des Halles
"Vélo" at Science Po - Paris
On the initiative of the Association Sciences Pistes Cyclables, as part of the Bike Week 2019 (18-24 March), my pictures "Vélo" hosted in large format prints in the lobby of Science Po Paris (28 rue des Saints-Pères) ...
Click on an image to view as a slide show
Thanks to the Oeil de la Photographie for the publication of a portfolio of our "Fragments" !
(Photographs : Jean-Benoît Zimmermann - Texts : Aline Memmi)
To see the portfolio on line, click on the picture
2d February 2019
"Le rendez-vous 11 11 18"
A collective of 20 artists, for peace and against all wars: paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures ...
In Paris 20th from November 7th to 18th
"To unite for the peace and the memory of all the wars and outrages to humanity, to pay homage to the soldiers, men, women, children, cities and nature damaged by the conflicts"
My contribution to this exhibition mirrors two series of photos organized around a text entitled "Fichez-nous la paix !", in which I denounce the destructive war of youths who were enemies only by the antagonisms that powerful people had decided for them. The first series of photos was made by my grandfather on the Meuse front in 1914-1915. Through the second, I wanted to echo it through images of the same places visited today. Places of memory, places invaded by vegetation or simply land marked by the stigmata of trenches and explosions of shells.
The exhibition will take place in two places, from November 7 to 18 (Wednesday to Sunday from 12h to 19h) :
- at the gallery Ménil 8 - 8 Rue Boyer, Metro Gambetta, where you will see my contribution
- at the church of Menilmontant and the crypt, ND de la Croix, 4 Rue Eupatoria, Metro Ménilmontant, also accessible by foot (10 minutes) from the gallery Ménil 8, where I also encourage you to go.
The vernissage will take place Saturday, November 10th from 18:30 to 21h. I will be happy to welcome you if you are available on this schedule. But I will also be present at other slots. Do not hesitate to tell me (by mail or by phone 06 71 14 50 63) when you want to spend, so I'll try to be present.
"Des Gens" at MSH Paris-Nord
If you have not been able to come to the exhibitions of the Atelier des Arts in Marseille and Le mois du Ratrait in Paris in 2017 or if you want to see the pictures again or to send your friends, the exhibition "Des Gens" comes back, hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - Paris Nord, from September 10 to October 3, 2018.
Easy to find, just at the end of line 12, at the limits of the future "Campus Condorcet"
L'Oeil de la Photographie me fait le plaisir de publier un portfolio de mes Vélos!
Un bel article sur mes photos de vélos dans l'excellente revue Vélocité, revue de la Fédération des Usagers de la bicyclette
Why we cycle
Première projection en France du documentaire néerlandais "Why we cycle" ("Pourquoi le vélo"). Pendant 60 min. des habitants et des experts explorent les effets du vélo sur eux-mêmes et sur la société, révélant des bienfaits insoupçonnés. Suivi d'un débat avec le réalisateur Gertjan Hulster, Pierre Serne (Président du Club des Villes et des Territoires Cyclables) et Bart Vos (Directeur Holland Bikes).
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire via le lien ci-dessous.

A vast panorama, both graphic and sociological, of bike in all its states and in all its latitudes. Under the gaze of the photographer, bicycles become characters in themselves and tell their thousand ways, around the world, to find their place in our daily lives.
My exhibition Des gens now in Paris !
In the Chapelle du Théâtre de Ménilmontant, 15 Rue du Retrait, Paris 20ème, M° Gambetta
From september 29th to octobre 2d and the week-end of october 7th and 8th
from 2 to 8 pm ; nocturne on saturday 30th until 10pm …
friendly drink on saturday 30th from 7pm.
Of course I will be present at all times of opening.
This exhibition is part of the 17th « Mois du Ratrait » http://leratrait.org/
and the Portes Ouvertes of the Ateliers de Ménilmontant http://ateliersdemenilmontant.org/
A successful vernissage !
Marseille, Tuesday April 4th 2017 ...
Click on an image to view as a slide show. Pictures byThierry Pellicani